Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sacred Event and Favorite movies

A sacred event for my family would be Christmas. We all get together on Christmas eve to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus. Some years we also go to church on midnight for mass. We also give presents to each other and have dinner together.

My Favorite Movies:
Dear John
Seven pounds
The notebook

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The video uses parts of Eliades chapters to show change. The river may symbolize life as its passing by and everything is changing. The leave is trying to make it home, which in this case it would be the season of spring.Eliades quote, “the past year vanishes to give place to another year, another era: that is, to the period when, through the reactualization of the Creation, the world in effect begins” (69) reminds me of what the film was about.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

1. My name means concentrated to God. It originated as an American name.
2. One of my "sacred" centers is my family.